Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy 2009 to everyone. Hope you all survived the crazy weather. We are sick and tired of snow. It has a way of stopping everything! We were so lucky that our kids made it up for Seattle. It was touch and go for awhile. Joe & Heidi live on a hill and were not able to get off, so they walked to the bottom of the hill and Jeff picked them up and off to Bellingham they went. They were here for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning and then headed back to Seattle. It was the last Christmas Eve our pastor will be residing over. He has retired and we are going to miss him a lot. He has walked with our family thru the best of times and the worst of times. I'm going to post some snow pictures and a couple of Christmas pictures. People tend to get camera shy on Christmas morning.

Everyone have a wonderful and healthy 2009!

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