Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Our Beloved Alex

We are sad to report that our beloved cat Alex, named after our first grandchild, died yesterday after a very brief bout with cancer. He stopped eating a week ago and after going to the vet and getting x-rays as well as I.V. fluids, the x-ray showed he had spots on his liver which the vet felt was cancer. We just couldn't prolong his life and so we took him in yesterday to have him put to sleep. One of the hardest things we've done. I asked the vet why we get so attached to our pets. Her answer was because animals give us unconditional love, which is something even humans can't always give us. That's why it's so hard to say good bye. He gave us 8 good years and was actually Chris's "guide cat." He always would alert Chris if someone was at the door or in the driveway. He woke him at 5:30 every morning because he knew Chris had to get up to go to work, AND that meant breakfast time for Alex. We NEVER had to set our alarm. Today we received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from our Vet with a nice note. Shows that she truly understands. Thank you Alex for being such a loyal will be missed.
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1 comment:

The Gale Family said...

We are so sad for you and are keeping you in our thoughts!