Saturday, August 30, 2008


Tuesday morning I awake to find a hunting arrow lodged in our bedroom window & TV. I froze in horror and thought perhaps I was dreaming. There it was....a very expensive hunting arrow in our bedroom window. After spending the entire day with the police and crime scene detective, I felt like I was on CSI. "Who would have done this" was the question that kept coming to mind. Even the police said this was one for the record. Had it not been for our TV, one of us would of been dead as the arrow was aimed right at our bed. We now have to special order a window as it is an odd size, and co-ordinate the new window being put in with a detective so he can come and remove the arrow. This has been one of the worst things that has ever happened. Very unnerving. I haven't slept in our bedroom since.....and actually, I haven't slept much at all. It will be interesting to see where this leads. I would post some pictures of this, but frankly, I don't want to have a visual reminder. "Every day's a gift" keeps playing in my mind.

Wednesday we celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary. We had a quiet dinner at Anthony's Hearthfire on the water and watched the sailboat races. A nice repreave from the arrow incident! Here's to another 31!

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